Wabi-Sabi: Japanese Philosophy to Improve Your Life!

Nowadays the world is puzzled with high-stress levels, busy of fast-paced living, pursuits perfection in everything which is unrealistic, people have damaging affliction with materialistic things. However, an ancient Japanese aesthetic way of life called 'Wabi Sabi' is what we need right now to save ourselves from this demise.

Wabi-Sabi denotes a lifestyle, a better connected way to deeply connect with nature and our truest inner-selves. The Wabi-sabi concept motions us to constantly search for the beauty in imperfection and accept the natural way of life. It teaches us that all things in our life are incomplete, impermanent, and imperfect. Wabi and Sabi are two separate concepts. 

Wabi is accepting beauty in humble simplicity. It tells us to open our heart and cut off the vanity of materialism so that we can experience spiritual richness.

Sabi is cared about the passage of time. The way all things grow, age and decay, and how it manifests itself beautifully in objects. It suggests that beauty is hidden under the surface of what we actually see.

(Wabi-Sabi Concept! Source: Omar Itani)

However, these two concepts teaches us to accept asymmetry, roughness, simplicity, economy, austerity, modesty, intimacy and stay in the present moment, and appreciate the simple, natural and transient stages of life.


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