'Kintsugi' : A complementary Japanese Philosophy of 'Wabi-Sabi'

What is kintsugi?

Kintsugi is a Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with lacquer mixed with gold, silver, or platinum dust. The art of kintsugi emphasizes the concept of "wabi-sabi", which values the beauty of imperfection and the natural aging process of an object. The repaired pottery, which often has unique, visible seams, is considered more beautiful and valuable than the original unbroken piece. The idea behind kintsugi is to see the cracks and repairs as part of the history of the object, rather than something to hide.

How can we implement kintsugi in our life?

Kintsugi can be implemented in our lives by embracing and accepting the imperfections and challenges that come our way, rather than trying to hide or fix them. We can learn to see the beauty in our own flaws and the experiences that have shaped us. Some ways to implement kintsugi in our lives include:

Embracing change and growth: Recognize that change and growth often come with challenges and imperfections, and that these can make us stronger and more resilient.

Seeing the positive in difficult situations: Instead of focusing on what went wrong, try to see the positive in difficult experiences and learn from them.

Finding beauty in imperfection: Appreciate the unique qualities and beauty of things that are not perfect, and see them as part of their history and character.

Accepting our own flaws: Be kind and compassionate to ourselves and accept our own imperfections. Recognize that we are all human and that making mistakes is a natural part of life.

Embracing and celebrating the journey rather than just the destination. Recognize that the journey, the process of getting to a goal, is as important as the goal itself.

Practice gratitude for the things we have and the people we have around us, and the paths that our life have taken.

These are just a few examples of how the concepts of kintsugi can be applied to our lives. The key is to shift our perspective and see the beauty and value in the imperfections and challenges that we encounter.

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