'The Archer' Book Review!

Book: 'The Archer' 
Author: Paulo Coelho 

The function of the bow and arrow, its relationship with life, finding the essence of life, above all the meaning of our life's goal and chasing after it like a darting arrow this are the significant points of Paulo Coelho's bestseller book 'The Archer'. 
Legendary archer 'Tetsuya', a carpenter by profession, no one in his hometown knows he is the best archer in the world.  One day a stranger arrived in the city, he came and asked a boy where Tetsuya lived.  The stranger says that he has come to prove that he has become perfect after all these years of practice, and that he wants to end Tetsuya's reputation.  As usual when he meets Tetsuya, he demonstrates his prowess by slicing a cherry fruit in two from forty meters away, then throws a challenge at Tetsuya.  Tetsuya drew his bow, took an arrow from the stranger, stood on a wobbly decaying rope bridge, and aimed and smashed a peach fruit twenty meters away.  Again the newcomer is asked to similarly stand on the bridge and break the pitch sheet twenty meters away.  But this time the newcomer could not, he left.
So far the boy has been a stranger and a witness to Tetsuya's archery.  On the way back, he asked Tetsuya about various things.  Tetsuya told the boy, 'We should respect someone by listening to them first and not judging them'.  Then, while descending the mountain path, Tetsuya explained to the boy the principles of bow and arrow and how it can be applied in our life.  Which is presented in this book through thirteen small episodes.
Episode-1: Like-minded person
It is said to find allies before starting anything.  Allies are those who are interested in the same work as you, think alike, are not afraid of making mistakes, don't waste time, make decisions quickly, don't think like everyone else, learn from failure, who  Likes uncertainty, they have a twinkle in their eyes.  Because with them you can achieve goals with joy and enthusiasm.
Episode-2: Bow (Life)
As the bow is always with the archer, so is life.  The bow have no consciousness, similarly they have to live their lives according to their own will without thinking. Bows are flexible things, but flexibility has its limits. Therefore flexibility should be followed in harmony with life.
Episode-3: Arrow (Desire)
Arrow is a symbol of desire. Before we act, our will must be crystal clear, simple and balanced.  If we fail to achieve our goals, we can learn from it and be inspired.
Episode-4: Target
Target is the goal you have to reach. You have to choose the goal, stand in front of it, respect it, build emotional intimacy, think of it as a friend, and be ready to accept the results. Just as the desire finds the target, so the target finds the desire.
Episode-5: Gestures 
When we understand life, desire, goal, then as we move towards it, serenity and nobility will come to us.  Beauty should be discovered in life, beauty is not a superficial thing. Just as ice looks beautiful only because of its color, or the ocean looks beautiful because its surface is flat, in the same way one should be aware of one's qualities through simple and modest gestures.
Episode-6: How to catch an arrow
Knowing one's own limitations through a perfect, simple, sharp, unwavering, fine will, learning from them and striving to achieve goals and objectives are described. 
Episode-7: How to catch a bow
This episode highlights how we can move forward in life with the indirect role of allies and like-minded people.
Episode-8: How to pull the bowstring
Just as a composer turns a bunch of incomprehensible musical notes into sounds and rhythms, one should proceed towards the goal with the help of one's own knowledge and experience.
Episode-9: How to focus on the goal
How to reach the goal through love, how to transform imperfection into perfection, how to find yourself in bad moments, how to find peace in good moments, how to move forward and enjoy life without fear or joy is written in this episode.
Episode-10: The moment of throwing arrows
The will must be thrown at the target with great finesse with satisfaction of the soul. And let the desire follow its destiny. 
Episode-11: Repetition 
A blacksmith's repeated hammering is not always of equal sharpness, the windmill is controlled by the wind, it has to be changed as needed, similarly no mastery comes from doing it the first time, so if you make a mistake, you have to keep trying.
Episode-12: How to observe the trajectory of the arrow 
Pursuing one's course with tact and finesse leads to achievement of goals and pure feelings. 
Episode-13: Archer without bow, arrow and target 
When there are no tools, the archer has to follow instinct. Just like a student, freed from the shackles of letters, can form words on his own at a stage of learning to read. In the same way, a man who proceeds with joy and enthusiasm, finesse and error, trickery and instinct is like a Archer without bow, arrow and target.

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